Python Tutorial

Introduction to Python

Python is a general purpose high level programming language for general purpose programming Python is an easy to learn, powerful programming language. It has efficient high-level data structures and a simple but effective approach to object-oriented programming. The major versions of python currently in active use are: Python 3.x is the current version Python 2.x is the earlier version

Applications of Python

Few of the fields in which python is used are below.. apart from those there are many other applications of Python
  • Web and internet Development
  • Scientific and numeric
  • Desktop GUIs
  • Software development
  • Machine learning
  • Data science
  • Game development
  • Finance and trading
  • Security and penetration testing

Reasons you should learn Python

It is overwhelming for the beginners about which programming language would be well suited and fit for them. But don’t worry here are few reasons you should decide for learning Python.
  • It is very easy to learn and beginner friendly
  • Python is widely used in data science
  • Python pays well
  • Demand for Python developers is high and is growing
  • Python saves time
  • Increased productivity
Now we have decided and looked over what Python is and it’s applications, let’s now learn how and where we can install Python to start learning You can download both the versions of python from click here
You can download as per your Operating system
